Write us a mail - michael@4crowd-investing-e.com - or use the form below, please!
*Of course you can also make us an offer, but nevertheless please request our documents by using the form below.
Get our investment offer & further information!
Due to the complex international legal situation, we are not allowed to make our offer public.

VR is waiting for "the killer feature". We know what it will be & we are working on it. After signing an NDA we will tell you more about it.
We will develop an AI that searches the Internet for certain content like videos & makes them available in connect completely independently.
We have prepared a story for media that is so exciting that thousands of media will report about us. A bomb, ready to detonate.

We maximize our target group through (1) a very different selection of integrated, popular content like media, social networks, shopping, games or messengers, (2) maximum customizability for every taste, (3) maximum device support (incl. 2D/3D/VR/AR) and (4) no language barriers and intuitive operation (even for older people). Since we hardly create own content, we can also scale faster. SOM: 3 million VR users (low competition), TAM: 3 billions (2D/3D Smartphone & PC).
very high margin:
€ 30 - 200 ARPU

The optional use in 3D or VR/AR as a virtual world makes connect more intuitive, social (avatar system) and endlessly expandable (e.g. games, shopping, new VR experiences, virtual pets, services or virtual assistants). But it also allows us € 30 - 200 income per user & year through in-app-purchases (e.g. virtual pets, scenes, fun objects, etc.), product placement (brands everywhere) or commission for third-party content (own content store) and VR shops (own template).
5 unique growth
hacking tricks

(1) Messages sent to other networks via our Multi-Messenger contain a link to connect. In this way, active users will make all their contacts aware of connect (multiplier effect). We also reward sharings with e.g. unique virtual pets or games. (2) If media partners want to make their content available in connect (e.g. for big data, VR-support and to reach all devices), they must report about us (we have over 200,000 media contacts worldwide). There are 3 more growth hacking tricks - ask us!
low risk &
flexible costs

connect hardly develops its own content (expensive & risky), but primarily makes the most attractive content more easily accessible. It is almost certain that this popular content will also be attractive on other platforms, e.g. on PS4 or in VR/AR. We also have only low maintenance and flexible personnel costs, which could be reduced to € < 100,000 per year after completion of the app. Integration of new content is cheap (or can even be done by partners), but continually increases our value.
great team &
great first traction

Test-release in a smaller VR-store in January: Popularity rank 15 out of 1700 VR apps after 6 weeks. Only organic: 40,000+ downloads in total. All major store releases (and their potential) are still pending. ​Together as a team, we 3 co-founders have 30+ years of experience as software & game developers (10+ with VR) & developed 20+ own games that reached half a million of users. We are all serial entrepreneurs and own(ed) more than 10 companies with over € 50 millions in revenue.
stable unique
selling points

Used on the smartphone connect could become a must-have-app for billions of users because of its unique Multi-Messenger-features (USPs: one chat history per contact that summarizes all messages from all communication services and the same for social network postings). It's also unique as device-independent 3D/VR capable new interface for all types of digital content and offers a revolutionary avatar-system (social VR). In the long term, we will at least be able to keep our privacy USP.
new fast growing
market (VR)

VR enables the perfect, lucid dreams and connect strives for maximum immersion. Thanks to AI (which will create VR worlds independently), 5G & cloud computing, 3D interfaces & VR/AR will replace the Internet & the PC in the next 10-20 years (at the latest with BCI). connect could become the provider-, VR- & device-independent, data-protected starting point into this new virtual world and thus adopt the business models of Amazon, Google, Microsoft & Facebook in the VR area.
independent from
VR (also 2D/3D)

connect also works in 2D or 3D on every device (TAM: 3 billions) and therefore makes our success independent of the still small VR market (~3-10 millions). In contrast to our VR-only competition (with no non-VR use cases), we can thus build a much larger user base, which can switch to VR or AR without restarting the app at anytime! We can wait for the perfect timing while we increase our user base and then use our growth hacking tricks like free media coverage to conquer the market.


Lifetime all* free in connect
Fast Action Reward
Company shares as a hedge if the fixed interest payments are not paid according to plan.
Number of days left = % percentage of your investment as additional profit sharing.
Get all connect in-app-purchases (*that cost less than €/$ 50) for free - for a lifetime! Of course you can resell them. Also valid for investments of €/$ 500.